FAQs on Groups & Forums
Can I attend more than one Carers’ Support Group?
You can attend as many groups as you like. Groups have been organised in different locations around the County. Each group is different as some like the group to be informative with speakers and others just want to meet for a chat with like minded people. Many good friendships have been formed through attending carers' groups so do give them a try!
How can I meet other carers?
Check our website here for details of carers groups in your area. Since the pandemic began all our carers groups have been taking place over Zoom, a very easy to use computer programme. We offer 7 daytime groups and 2 evening groups per month and you are free to attend whichever suits you best - i.e. just because you live in Melton doesn't mean you have to attend the Melton group if another is more convenient for you.
We will restart the face to face groups when safe to do so.
If you are unable to leave the person you care for you may like to consider having a Telephone Befriender so you have someone neutral to talk to outside of the family.