News items from February 2017
Free event: Bridging the Years
Leicestershire Older People's Engagement Network is hosting a free event called Bridging the Years on Saturday 18 March from 9.15am to 12.15pm at Leicestershire Police Headquarters, Training Block, Enderby, Leicester, LE19 2BX. The free event is open to everyone 12 years and over to celebrate intergenerational partnerships and get involved in a day of workshops and fun activities including Safety Online, Working and Learning Together, Reaching Out to Each Other, Having Fun Together, Arts and Crafts, Laughter Yoga, Sikh Music and Bollyfit.
Places are limited and must be booked in advance by Thursday 23 February by contacting Lucy Smith:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 0116 277 6529
Download the flyer
Do you care for someone with dementia?
Newcastle University is launching a free online course for carers called 'Dementia Care: Staying Connected and Living Well' designed to help you stay connected to loved ones, manage stress at home and defuse difficult situations. The 3 week course starts on 27th March and is free to join. It's designed specifically for family, friends and carers of people with dementia.
Download the flyer to find out more
Sign up online to book your free place
Urgent Appeal for Funding
Following the announcement that the Leicestershire Better Care Together Fund are unable to extend funding for the Carers Health and Wellbeing Service, it is with great sadness and deep regret that we must confirm the service will cease to operate with effect from 30 April 2017, unless alternative funds are identified.
We acknowledge that difficult decisions have had to be made by the Better Care Together Board and, even though the service was highly credited and very much needed, there were other services that had to be prioritised over the Carers Health and Wellbeing Service.
Such has been the tremendous success of the Carers Health & Wellbeing Service, VASL is appealing direct to you, the GP practices (either independently or within Federations), for assistance in identifying any potential funding opportunities to support continuation of this highly effective and efficient resource.
We are in the process of producing costings for the service which will provide the opportunity to tailor services to your needs. It is acknowledged that Carers can cope longer within their caring role in the community as long as they have the right support in place.
Nationally our carers save the economy £119 BILLION a year. The Carers Health and Wellbeing Service cost £165,000 per annum providing support to carers across Leicestershire. We have identified and supported 1,200 carers during the 21 months we have been in operation. Our small team has made great partnerships with GP practices across Leicestershire.
We know how important it is that we are able to give our Carers time and support in a confidential environment. As part of this, we are running 24 Carers Clinics across the county, and an additional 8 surgeries were hoping to offer this facility in their own practices. Our Carers Clinics operating in GP Practices offer carers one-to-one support with hour long appointments. Feedback has evidenced that valuable GP time is protected by Carers Clinics and advice being offered at the right time - as we know, sadly, many carers can become depressed and/or experience numerous other health related ailments that are triggered by their caring role.
If you would like to contact me directly regarding any opportunities for the funding service or have any questions, I would be very happy to hear from you. We would like to personally thank you for all your support and would be very grateful if you could circulate this article to all clinical staff in your Practice.
Thank you in anticipation.
Kind regards.
Maureen O'Malley
VASL Senior Manager
01858 439267
[email protected]
*Carers in this article are defined as non-professional carers who selflessly and regularly look after a family member, friend or neighbour.
100 Best Blogs for Disabled People and Carers
Would you like to read some truly inspiring personal stories and insightful, practical articles about disability and getting older? Stairlifts Reviews got in touch with us recently to share their 100 Best Blogs for Disabled People and Carers...we've had a peek and there are some brilliant blogs on the list - why not take a look for yourself?