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News items from May 2012

Have your say on charges for adult social care services

Leicestershire County Council is thinking about making changes to the way it charges for adult social care services - to make it fairer. 

It's keen to hear from carers and people who use non-residential social care services, as well as anyone who's concerned about how much they might have to pay for social care services in the future. 

You can have your say by taking part in a consultation on the Council's website. Or, to request a paper copy of the questionnaire, or the questionnaire in a different format or language please call 0116 305 0004 or email [email protected]

The questionnaire is anonymous, but you will be invited to leave your contact details if you would like to be kept informed directly about the progress of the consultation. 

Your views will help the Council to make its final decision. 

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Would you like to help shape mental health services in Leicestershire?

The charity Rethink Mental Illness and MP for Loughborough, Nicky Morgan, are looking for people affected by mental illness (including carers) to take part in a focus group on 20th June from 10am to 1pm at Loughborough Town Hall - followed by lunch. 

This is a great chance to help shape mental health services in Leicestershire - as feedback from the focus group will be passed to decision-makers such as the Mental Health Trust, Leicestershire County Council, public health representatives, the Health and Wellbeing Board and the new Clinical Commissioning Group (made up of local GPs). 

The organisers are looking for around 20 people for the focus group - to discuss things like: 

What are mental health services in Leicestershire like at the moment?
What works particularly well?
What would you like to see improved?
What is your key concern you would like decision makers to know about?

If you would like to take part please email [email protected] or call 0207 840 3147. 

Lunch is free and the organisers will cover all travel expenses. 

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Free Carers Week Events - 18th to 24th June

Do you support someone who could not manage without your help due to physical or mental illness, disability, substance or alcohol misuse or frailty brought on by old age?

if the answer is yes, then you're a carer and you deserve support too. 

Carers Week 2012 is on from 18th to 24th June and we've got lots of exciting free events planned for carers throughout the week - below, you'll find a guide to what's on.

Alternatively, you can download a calendar of events (as a Word document to your desktop) 

Carers Week is a national campaign held every year to recognise and celebrate carers, whilst raising the issues that are important to them. 

Carers Cuppa & Cookies Event

Come along and enjoy a cuppa and cookies on Monday 18th June from 10.30am to 2.30pm at the Guildhall, Guildhall Lane, Leicester, LE1 5FQ.

It'll be a great way to meet other carers whilst picking up lots of useful information and finding out more about Leicestershire's strategy to help local carers.  

To find out more please call us on 0845 689 9510 or email [email protected]

Short Walks For Carers 

The theme of this year's Carers Week is 'in sickness and in health' so we thought it would be nice to give carers the chance to enjoy socialising together outdoors - whilst enjoying a short walk and beautiful surroundings.

Just the thing to give you a boost - in mind, body and spirit! 

Carers are welcome to join any of our short walks - here's a list of where we'll be: 

19th June - Melton Country Park from 1pm

20th June - Sence Valley Forestry Park (Ibstock) from 10.30am

21st June - Brockshill (Oadby) from 10.30am

22nd June - Braunstone Park from 1pm

25th June - Lutterworth from 1pm

26th June - Burbage Common from 11am

28th June - Waterloo Farm, Market Harborough from 10.30am

To find out more including details of where to meet please call us on 0845 689 9510 or email [email protected]

Carers Week Information Day 

You're welcome to come along to our Carers Information Day on Tuesday 19th June from 11am to 2pm at the Settling Rooms, St Mary's Place, Market Harborough, LE16 7DR.

The Support for Carers team will be on hand to answer your questions and you'll be able to meet other local organisations that support carers and cared for and pick up lots of information, hints and tips.

Plus, they'll be free refreshments and complementary therapy taster sessions to help you relax and unwind. 

To find out more please call us on 0845 689 9510 or email [email protected]

Carers Week Forum 

Why not come along to our Carers Week Forum on Thursday 21st June from 10am to 1pm at John Storer House, Wards End, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3HA to meet us, other carers and to pick up lots of useful information, hints and tips? 

Guest speakers will include the local pension service, Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and Clive Langley from PSA Financial Services.

You'll be able to find out what Leicestershire's strategy is to help local carers and get advice if you need help with finding a care home.

Plus, you'll be able to meet other local organisations that support carers and cared for and try your hand at our mini quiz and laughter yoga! 

To find out more please call us on 0845 689 9510 or email [email protected]

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Drop-in event for carers at Loughborough Library - 22nd May

Carers thoughout Leicestershire are welcome to come along to our Time Out For Carers event on Tuesday 22nd May from 10am to 12 noon at Loughborough Library, Granby Street, Loughborough, LE11 3DZ.

You'll be able to meet other carers and a member of the Support for Carers team, who will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

It'll also be a chance to take a quick break and enjoy talking to like-minded people whilst picking up hints and tips.

You can pop along whenever you want to between 10am and 12 noon, you don't have to stay for the whole time if it's not convenient.

We'll meet in the browser area of the library so hope to see you there. You're welcome to call us on 0845 689 9510 or email [email protected] to find out more - or simply come along on the 22nd. 

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Free training - supporting families who care for disabled children

Do you work with or support families who have children with additional support needs - such as physical or learning disabilities? 

Scope, the national charity who works with disabled people of all ages and their families and carers, is running a FREE one day course for professionals and supporters - designed to help you support parents and families through what can be emotional times and to build stronger relationships within the family. The course is being run by the local branch of Face 2 Face, Scope's one-to-one befriending service for parents of disabled children. 

The course is on Thursday 28th June from 9.30am to 3.30pm at the Watson Room, Menphys Nursery, Launceston Road, Leicester, LE18 2FZ. 

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. 

If you would like to find out more please contact Fiona Burton, Face 2 Face Co-ordinator, Leicestershire on 07736 730 978 or email [email protected]

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Have you had a Carer’s Assessment?

A Carer's Assessment is an opportunity for you to tell a social worker what impact caring has on you - with a view to making sure you have enough help and support with your caring role.

Adults who are providing substantial amounts of care on a regular basis for a person aged 18 or over have a right to a Carer’s Assessment.

A Carer’s Assessment is NOT about testing your ability to care. It’s a way of identifying how caring impacts on your life.

It helps to determine what support might be available to help you.

A Carer’s Assessment can be carried out even when the person cared for refuses help or an assessment for themselves.

You can do a self assessment (Impact of Caring Form) outlining the support you think might be helpful for you in your caring role and to make your life easier.

You can either fill in the online Impact of Caring Form or print the form off and send it by post.

Alternatively, contact Social Care Services to arrange for a member of staff to work with you to do an assessment.

For Adult Social Care, the Customer Service Centre is the first point of contact for most enquiries:

Call: 0116 305 0004

If you are a parent caring for a disabled child, your needs as a carer will be assessed as part of a family assessment. You have the right to a family needs assessment under the Children’s Act 1989. You do not have to be the mother or father of the child.

Some things you may want to think about are:

• Do you get enough sleep?
• Is your health affected in any way?
• Are you able to get out and about?
• Do you get time for yourself?
• Are your other relationships affected?
• Do you want information about benefits?
• Are you worried you may have to give up work?
• Is the person you care for getting enough help?

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Support for Carers Leicestershire is funded by Leicestershire County Council. However, we rely on donations to enhance the services we provide for carers in the area. If you would like to support us please contact us.