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Emergency Planning

What would happen if you fell ill or had an accident and were unable to perform your normal caring duties? When you register with Support for Carers, we send you an Emergency Card and an Emergency Plan.

Should you have an accident or fall ill outside the home, the Emergency Card will alert people about your caring role. It is designed to be kept in your purse or wallet. There is space for your name, who you care for, and up to 3 keyholders or emergency contacts.

The Emergency Plan is like a "How-To" guide to looking after the person you care for - their health conditions, medications, daily routines, and emergency contacts. It is two sides of A4 paper. Emergency Plans are not centrally stored - keep it somewhere at home that it will be easily found in an emergency, e.g. stuck to the refrigerator, or if you have a Message in a Bottle, fold it up and put it in there. This will greatly help anyone who has to care for your loved one at short notice, be it a relative or a carer from an agency.

If you have misplaced either of these, please call us on 01858 468543 or email [email protected] and we will gladly send you replacements. You can also download the Emergency Plan on this website.

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Support for Carers Leicestershire is funded by Leicestershire County Council. However, we rely on donations to enhance the services we provide for carers in the area. If you would like to support us please contact us.